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“We are all here now and we have to solve our differences and live together as Australians... I will use the title you have honoured me with to bring the Australian people together... Together we can build a remarkable country"

Lowitja O’Donoghue was born in 1932 at Indulkana, in the remote north-west corner of South Australia, to a Pitjantjatjara mother and an Irish father. Her strong desire was to be a nurse, and despite barriers and challenges she faced by virtue of her Aboriginality, she successfully became a charge sister. This experience sowed the seed for her lifelong advocacy for Aboriginal rights.

Her work was recognised through numerous accolades and awards.

@Next Practice Deakin, the doctors here are passionate about doing the right thing by their patients, advocate and collaborate in an authentic partnership so together they can build remarkable care and outcomes.