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🌍 World Parkinson's Disease Day at Next Practice Deakin 🌍

This week marked World Parkinson’s Disease Day, and at Next Practice Deakin, we're dedicated to highlighting the unique journeys of those affected by Parkinson's.

Our approach centres on what truly matters to our patients, guided by the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) standards. We understand that each patient's experience is more than just a clinical diagnosis; it's about their overall quality of life, mobility, emotional health, and social connections.

General practice plays a pivotal role in supporting individuals with Parkinson’s. As the care coordinator, your GP at Next Practice Deakin is instrumental in orchestrating a comprehensive care plan that integrates all aspects of health management. This coordination is crucial in navigating the complexities of Parkinson’s care, ensuring that all medical and supportive services are aligned and that communication between various healthcare providers is seamless.

At Next Practice Deakin, we extend this support through comprehensive, multidisciplinary care. Our team—including a dietitian, nurse practitioner with expertise in chronic disease management, exercise physiologist, social worker, and geriatrician—collaborates closely not just with ourselves but also with specialist neurologists and movement disorder specialists.

This integrated team approach, led by your GP, ensures that every aspect of care is tailored to the individual needs of our patients, supporting them in managing symptoms effectively and maintaining the best possible quality of life.

We're here to support, guide, and walk alongside you on your journey with Parkinson’s. Let’s embrace the challenge together, ensuring that every day is lived to its fullest. 💙

#ParkinsonsDiseaseDay #NextPracticeDeakin #PatientCentredCare #MultidisciplinaryTeam #GeneralPractice #CareCoordination