Dr David Hoffman

General Practitioner

  • Qualifications: MBBS (UWA 1971), B. Juris (Hons), LL B (UWA 1974), DCH (2006), FRACGP (2008), MICGP (2010)
  • Available: Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Special interests: Mental Health, Addiction medicine, Medicolegal/Forensic medicine and Medical administration

ABN: 54 570 164 883

Dr Hoffman has a Fellowship from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and is also a Member of the College of GPs Ireland. He has completed the Women’s & Children’s Hospital Postgraduate Education, holds a Diploma of Child Health and is a Senior Lecturer at The University of Western Australia Medical School.

Dr Hoffman graduated from The University of Western Australia M.B,B.S., and also practiced law in WA for 20 years after graduating B.Juris (Hons 2B) and LL.B from 1965–1976 from UWA.

Please note, Dr David Hoffman operates their own medical services business at Next Practice Claremont and other locations. All correspondence should be directed to the individual practitioner themselves via the Next Practice Claremont email claremont@nextpracticehealth.com

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