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Breathing techniques for anxiety, stress and burnout - breathing tips and practices *

Stress and breathing are related. Stressed people can tend to breathe in ways that perpetuates the stress response.

Working with the breath using mind/body breath practices can break some powerful vicious cycles connected to the psychology and physiology of anxiety and stress.

Some guidelines and breathing techniques with tips to help your breathing practices become more effective:

  • Breathing in through your nose is healthier than doing so through your mouth. Alternate nostril breathing technique can be particularly relaxing.
  • Breath with your diaphragm (not just into your belly). “Functional Diaphragm Retraining” practice can help to train diaphragm-abdomen-ribcage co-ordination that’s appropriate (and functional) for relaxed and active breathing.
  • Deeper breathing is not always better breathing (if it makes you hyperventilate). “Breath Holding Test for Hyperventilation” could indicate whether a person is likely to be a chronic hyperventilator.
  • When focusing on your breathing feels unpleasant, “Body/Breath Focus Shift” technique could be helpful.
  • For over controlled breathing, practice “Breath holds with breath following” technique could help structure irregularity and to reconnect mind and body.

If you would like to learn more about working for breathing for managing anxiety and increasing stress resilience and would like to learn more techniques and practice them in a small group setting consider attending Dr. Rosalba Courtney’s Breath, Mind Body program. You can see details and book online on

* Please refer to our website for the full article with breathing techniques and test details.