Would you like to improve your nasal breathing?
You are invited to participate in a free online 4-week trial.
with the Southern Cross University - School of Health and Human Sciences
If you often experience a blocked nose or if you mouth breathe during the day or while you sleep, you can learn to re-train your breathing.
You will be taught specific nasal and diaphragmatic breathing exercises to be done daily and supported through regular coaching sessions to understand the improvement of nasal breathing function.
How much will it cost?
Participation, training, and coaching is free.
When and where will the trial take place?
The training and coaching will be online, commencing in June 2021 for 4-weeks.
How to secure your spot?
Have to be over 20 years of age and not have severe seasonal rhinitis.
Email Brooke on b.riordan.11@student.scu.edu.au for more information.