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Next Level 2 Retreat was... Next LEVEL!

Next Level 2 Retreat brought together 8 of our highly motivated community, from those who attended Next Level Retreat in the Snowy Mountain in 2023 and 2022. Not only is the retreat momentum growing, but the depth and richness of the content taught and shared is profound!

Genbiome retreat team- Nick Dawe, Naomi Lees and Christabelle Yeoh shared a wonderful 3 days and 3 nights of deep nourishment with 8 fervent practitioners of health and life! In reality, we are all practitioners- we practice our lives and we practice executing our choices in this health discovery journey. The more empowered we are by knowledge and the spirit of community, the more we grow in this exploration and quest for vitality.

This retreat was convened at Evolve Sanctuary, in the beautiful lush rainforest of Byron hinterland. We were warmly nourished and hosted by lively and inspired Chef Pete Evans.

We explored the 5 levels of healing and the range of modalities and sciences that sit at the different levels, content as taught by Dr DIetrich Klinghardt, who is one of Christabelle's mentors. It makes such a difference to take the bigger perspective of symptoms, physical ailments and chronic disease. To see the options and offerings of help at other levels of mind and body optimisation. We covered some basics again on 'mitochondrial epigenetics'- the environmental impacts of our mitochondrial genes which dictates cellular energetics.

Nick brought together beautifully seamless content describing the integration of health- body, brain, spirit- through the lens of a sensorimotor functional neurological expert. Using the Oov, he taught us to access deep principles of movement, fluid/ CSF flow, lymphatic pressures and re-discovering primordial sequences and core movement patterns. In addition, as a biophysics aficionado, he conceptualised the assimilation of light in water (aquaphotomics) and gas in water (pH/ chemical axis) into the sensorimotor system. Embracing these relationships, gathered within the axis of fluids, pressures and movement, we may animate strength, vertical posture and elevate the human Mind.

If you wish to know what all this means, and experience it in your own body, mind and spirit, join us someday at our Genbiome retreats! Here, we celebrate Food as Medicine, Community as Medicine and Nature as medicine!

Preparations for the NEXT LEVEL 1 RETREAT 2024, end Oct / early Nov is underway. More about our 2023 retreat. Register your interest with