Pain is horrible. It’s also horribly complicated, and the more we learn about it, the more complicated we realise it is.
We used to think it was as simple as pain-specific nerve endings sending messages (called “nociception”) to the brain. We now know that nociception is only one part of a complex decision making process that the brain makes, to determine whether it believes your tissues are in danger. If it does, we feel the sensation of pain. If it doesn’t, we don’t.
The dominant medical way of thinking is all about trying to find the one simple solution to resolve medical problems, and that is what we have all come to expect. For temporary pain, pharmaceutical drugs can be wonderful. For ongoing pain they all have their limitations.
I see a lot of people who have had pain for a long time. There is almost always a solution; but you usually have to dig for it. Bodies are good at repairing themselves, and if pain is persistent, it is important to ask why, and to think about all of the connections involved: mechanical, neurological, fluid flow and transfer, and more. When pain becomes chronic, there is almost always at least one vicious cycle involved.
Because osteopathy works with
individuals, looks for the causes of their health issues, and engages
with the complexity of all of the connections within their body, it
can often be quite effective at helping to resolve chronic pain.
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