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Did you know the condition of your skin can reflect what you put in your body. A number of chronic skin problems that you may be experiencing, from acne to dry skin can often be directly linked to your diet.

Taking good care of your skin is important for more than just your appearance.

As the largest organ you have, your skin is essential to your general health. If you take care of it, it can help take care of you. And the best way to make sure you are taking care of your skin, is by nourishing it from the inside first.

ANTIOXIDANTS certain antioxidants can help keep collagen and elastin in tact, which are what keeps your skin soft and smooth, here's a few examples of antioxidant rich foods:

    • Leafy greens (Kale, Spinach, Cabbage, Beet greens)
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Pumpkin
    • Papaya
    • Berries (Blueberries, Strawberries, Cranberries, Acai)

SELENIUM & VITAMIN E Selenium is an essential mineral that is important for your skin and a great source can be obtained for consuming brazil nuts. Daily recommended amount, is about 4 nuts.

Vitamin E is also an essential mineral for your skin and can be found in sunflower seeds, avocados and hazelnuts.

HYDRATION Your water intake is crucial for good skin health. When your skin is not getting a sufficient amount of water, the lack of hydration could cause your skin to become dry, tight and flaky.

ZINC Zinc is essential to the health of your skin because it plays a key role in normalizing the function of your oil glands. So those who have excessively oily skin, might just have a zinc deficiency.

The following are some foods that are rich in zinc:

  • Lean red meats (Beef, Lamb, Pork)
  • Poultry (Chicken, Turkey, Duck)
  • Fish (Crab, Lobster, Salmon, Clams)
  • Whole grains
  • Seeds (Hemp seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Sunflower seeds)


Stress can cause inflammation through the gut-skin connection. It can also impact the balance of bacteria in your gut, which leads to a release of inflammation.

Internal inflammation can manifest externally as skin conditions like acne, or eczema and psoriasis flare-ups.

When you feel stressed, your sympathetic nervous system releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline into your body. Cortisol causes increased oil production in your skin glands, which can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.

We can help you investigate and manage your skin concerns with the help of our doctors, dietician and nurse/skin therapists.

Book with dietitian here

Book with a GP here

Book with Skin Therapist (Nurse) here