Dr Jonathan Turtle

Integrative Medical Practitioner

  • Qualifications: MBBS, FACNEM
  • Available: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Special interests: Chronic Fatigue, Chronic and Complex Conditions, Menopause and Hormone Issues and Brain and Mood Disorders
"Integrative medicine describes an approach to health and disease management that looks broadly at the whole person, their physiology and environment to determine the causes of disease and draws upon a full palette of treatment options to help overcome ill health and restore wellness. Evaluation and diagnosis will take account of family history, past history, a thorough systematic symptom review, environmental and toxic exposure history, dietary, exercise and sleep history and psychosocial review. The focus is on understanding the complex physiology and pathophysiology rather than providing reductionist diagnostic labels. Management then starts by maximising intrinsic repair mechanisms then building a graduated approach: Firstly, ensuring optimal diet, lifestyle, sleep, physical, psychosocial, and environmental factors Then, using natural therapies; nutritional supplements, herbal treatments and bio-identical hormones as required and finally, adding pharmaceutical medications when appropriate and indicated and there are no other effective management tools available."

ABN: 23 970 937 068

ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS: To book a new patient consultation please start by completing this enquiry form - https://waiver.smartwaiver.com/w/60b119ff90b92/web

Jonathan has been a General Practitioner for over 40 years with over 30 years’ wealth of experience as a specialist Integrative Medicine Doctor. His initial interest in Integrative Medicine stems from the immersive experience of growing up in an idyllic natural environment matched with strong intellectual guidance to have a deep respect and understanding of the power and complexity of the natural world as well as of the scientific process.

He initially graduated in Medicine from the University of NSW in 1981 and worked in family general practice for 10 years before specialising in Integrative Medicine over 30 years ago. He has remained firmly a generalist in his practice of medicine ever since, with continuing medical education in Australia and overseas developing many areas of specialised training and expertise. He has lectured to General Practitioners and Integrative doctors on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Menopausal management with Bio-identical Hormones.

Jonathan’s approach is to work with the patient to ensure a good understanding and acceptance of their health issues and the management plan. This will usually require a broad range of appropriate investigations, some orthodox and covered by Medicare, some functional and privately funded. Treatment options, as per the integrative approach as mentioned above, are discussed, and once implemented are regularly reviewed and modified as appropriate.

He is an experienced prescriber of bioidentical hormones and intravenous therapies and has undertaken extensive professional training in the physiology and medical use of the endo-cannabinoid system.

Special Interests include but are not limited to:

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Long Covid
  • Menopausal and perimenopausal management
    • Bio-identical hormones
  • Hormonal management
    • Metabolic syndrome, Diabetes and Obesity
    • HPA axis / Adrenal issues
    • Thyroid disease
  • Mood disorders
    • Anxiety
    • Depression and Bipolar disease
    • ADHD and ASD
  • Chronic pain and Inflammatory disease
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Chronic arthritis
    • Inflammatory and Autoimmune syndromes
  • Neurodegenerative conditions
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Parkinson’s Disease
    • Dementia and early Mild Cognitive Impairment
    • Traumatic Head injury management, acute and chronic
  • Anti-aging and wellness programs
  • Cancer supportive care
  • Chronic immunologic, allergic and infective disease
    • Recurrent infections
    • Chronic infections including with Vector borne infections
    • Mast cell activation syndrome
    • Chronic Inflammatory Response syndrome
  • Gut disorders
    • SIBO and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    • Food allergies and sensitivities

Qualifications and memberships:

  • MB BS (UNSW) 1981
  • FACNEM, Fellow of Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, 1996
  • Founding patron of the ACT ME/CFS Society, 1990
  • Member AIMA, Australasian Integrative Medicine Association
  • Member ACIIDS, Australasian Chronic Inflammatory and Infective Diseases Society
  • Member ANZCCP, Australian and New Zealand College of Cannabinoid Practitioners

New patients for Dr Turtle at GenBiome – Edgecliff must go through the Onboarding process with one of our Patient Advocates at least one week prior to your appointment. Our Patient Onboarding session is an integral part of an integrative medicine assessment, which gives us the opportunity to learn about your case history, the root causes of your health concerns and understand your health journey. Please refer to our FAQs on Becoming a new patient of one of our Integrative Medical Practitioners.

Please note, Dr Jonathan Turtle operates their own medical services business at Next Practice GenBiome. All correspondence should be directed to the individual practitioner themselves via the Next Practice GenBiome email genbiome.pa@nextpracticehealth.com

Genbiome Jonathan Turtle



Dr Jonathan Turtle taking a sabbatical leave from end of June to September this year

On sabbatical leave from 20th June till 29th September 2023. read more