Latest Sydney, NSW News

Introducing Dr Andrew Sefton (Orthopaedic Surgeon)

To make an appointment with Dr Andrew Sefton, please call 02 9052 1894 or email:

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Introducing Dr Ati Jhajj

Are you or someone you know struggling with complex chronic conditions? Meet Dr. Ati, a seasoned GP with nearly a... read more

Heart Health

Did you know that Heart disease affects 2 in 3 Australians and still remains our leading cause of death, according... read more

Welcome to the Next Practice Family Dr Patrick Tai!

Welcoming our newest GP to the team! read more

Corporate Health Services

At Next Practice Sydney Clinic, we understand the pivotal role that corporate health plays in nurturing a productive and thriving... read more

Travel Vaccine

Planning a December getaway? Ensure a worry-free trip with travel vaccines from Next Practice Sydney! read more

World Children's Day

Let's make a difference in the lives of Papua New Guinea's children this month by scheduling an appointment with Next... read more

Book your flu shot. Don't let the flu get you down

We are entering flu season and it's especially important this year to protect yourself and loved ones with an annual... read more

A Focus on Men's Health

Did you know, men are less likely than women to visit their GP when it comes to discussing their health... read more

Next Practice Patient App

Download the Next Practice App now read more

Health checks for ages 45-49 are available

45-49 year olds are most at risk of developing a chronic illness according to the Australian Department of Health. Book... read more

Next Practice Sydney Nutritionist

Meet our friendly Nutritionist read more

Skin Check

Are you summer-ready? read more

November is Men's Health Awareness Month

Why grow a Mo for Movember?? November is Men's Health Awareness Month and now is the time to book a... read more

Book a Heart Health Check

If you’re 45 and over, you should book your Heart Health Check at Next Practice today. Having a regular Heart... read more

Book your flu shot. Don't let the flu get you down!

We are entering flu season and it's especially important this year to protect yourself and loved ones with an annual... read more

Next Practice Patient App

Download our bespoke Next Practice Patient App to continue your healthcare journey at home. read more


Know the signs and bring awareness read more

A conversation could change a life

Trust the Signs, Trust your Gut and Ask R U OK? #RUOK? Day. read more

Slip, Slop, Slap

Are you summer ready? read more

Spring Allergy Checks

As we transition further into spring, are you experiencing a runny nose, itchy eyes or increased frequency of sneezing? read more

Skin Checks

As we spend more time in the sun during the warmer months, it is important to be aware of your... read more

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Affecting both men and women, breast cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in Australia. read more

Sleep Hygiene

A good night's sleep depends on more than just a comfortable bed. read more

Tips to Boost Your Immune System

With the challenge of COVID-19 and how to stay protected, the idea of boosting the immune system has become a... read more

Don’t forget your seasonal flu shot!

It’s that time of the year again and if you haven’t already, it’s important to get yourself and the family... read more

Mental Health Toolkit in the Time of COVID-19

Steps for looking after your mental health during the Coronavirus pandemic. read more

How to talk to your children about Coronavirus

UNICEF Australia have provided 8 tips on how to help comfort and protect children during this uncertain time. read more

Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

Beyond Blue offers the following wellbeing advice if you are experiencing feelings of anxiety, distress and concern in relation to... read more

Concerned about Coronavirus?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that COVID-19 is a pandemic. read more

Give Blood and Save a Life - National Blood Donor Day

Did you know that as little as one blood donation in your lifetime can save up to three lives? read more

Telehealth- your questions answered

Telehealth is your line of support at home. Whether you are self isolating or unable to visit in person. No... read more

Winter Warmer

Soups and stews are the quintessential winter warmer in all their heartiness and comforting aroma. read more

Winter Warmer, Focus on Fibre

Getting enough fibre is fundamental for looking after our gut health and microbiome. read more

The Unknown

How the unknown can impact our mental health read more

Top Tips to Boost Your Immune System

With the challenge of COVID-19 and how to stay protected, the idea of boosting the immune system has become a... read more

Influenza Vaccination Information

Please read important information on the Influenza Vaccination. read more

World Immunisation Week

Did you know this week is World Immunisation Week? read more

Drive Thru Flu Clinic Directions

Fight the flu with our vaccination drive thru! read more

What is a Patient Advocate?

Good question and one we love to answer! read more

Welcome to Next Practice Sydney CBD

Welcome to Next Practice Sydney CBD - a new kind of way to manage your health. read more

Next Aid Vaccination Donations

The Next Aid program allows UNICEF Australia to procure vaccinations that eliminate preventable maternal and neonatal disease. read more